The new 80-km hiking route in Sydney, will be one of the best in the world

13 Январь, 2019


The route will pass through the Grotto Point at altitudes Balgoula.

"The project does not need infrastructure, or violating the rights of someone else's land. Need a simple explanation, a small advertising and modest markup in the form of small characters, to keep tourists on the route».

It will also pass through the Taronga Zoo.

Mr. Faulkner said, that 80-kilometer trail can stttat the best city in the world, not only because, that are beautiful and historically important, but also in the vicinity of the city.

Parsely Bay in Vaucluse.

"The route passes through such places, who is considered to be the largest natural harbour in the world, and four of the six most iconic places in the country», – сказал он.



Organizers also say, they got a positive response from six tips, through which will pass the proposed walk, as well as from national parks in NSW and other relevant groups, who said, that supports the "great idea", on the initial planning phase.

And since Mr. Harris and Mr. Faulkner received more and more support for approval and implementation of the project, They invite members of the public to try a small it.

В начало статьи: In Sydney, a new pedestrian route is planned: 80-km trail between beaches Bondi and manly

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