Australia's hottest deals right now: Meet the animal kingdom, C9

25 February, 2021


Africa can be and is considered the birthplace of safari with animals, but there are few places in the world, where to get close to Australia's cute little Tasmanian devil. Photo: Kentish Council / Tourism Tasmania

Africa may be the best place to safari animals, but there are few places in the world, where to get close to Australia's cute little Tasmanian devil. Located in Tasmania's Credl Mountain Desert under UNESCO World Heritage, Devil Conservation Society - Creedl works to ensure the survival of the marsupial devil.

"The post-dark feeding tour is the most popular, because the devils are most active at night.", – says Daniel Nankervis of Devil's Creed. "Meet Joey, during which small groups of tourists can pet young devils, are also very popular".

On the other side of Australia, off the coast of Exmouth in Western Australia you can swim next to whale sharks, size from tiny to gigantic.

Mark Ferguson of Exmouth Dive and Whaling Ningaloo says, what's different about them is that, that he can on 99% to guarantee tourists a meeting with the animal world. Photo: Tourism Australia



While a similar experience is available in other parts of the world, Mark Ferguson of Exmouth Diving and Ningaloo Speaks Out, what's different about them is that, that he can almost guarantee a meeting with these animals.

"Most people, diving with whale sharks, come out of this tour really amazed, and sometimes with a whole new understanding of the ocean.", – сказал он.

Offer: Save 300 dollars per person when booking a 12-day APT tour of Tasmania. The full itinerary costs from 5695 dollars per person, and includes two nights at Peppers Credle Mountain Lodge / Peppers Cradle Mountain Lodge. Travel availability in January and February 2021 year. See.

Previous part: Best car route, C8
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