Аэропорт Аделаиды, Adelaide Airport

5 Декабрь, 2010


Аэропорт Аделаиды (Adelaide Airport) - The main airport of Adelaide, State of South Australia. The airport is located in the suburb of West Beach, about 8 km from the city center.

Although the actual owner of the airport is the federal government, его оператор — независимая структура Adelaide Airport Limited (AAL). Adelaide Airport is the fifth largest domestic and sixth place in international passenger traffic in Australia, serving more than 5.8 million passengers a year.



The airport opened 16 February 1955 G., as a replacement for the outdated airport Parafild. Airport Facilities were located in the former markets and wetlands Patavalongi. At present, passenger air transportation are available from the combined domestic / international terminal, Open in 2005.

Official website of the Adelaide Airport, Adelaide Airport:  www.aal.com.au

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