City of Sydney, Sydney

18 Декабрь, 2010


Сидней. The Australian city of Sydney (Sydney) - Capital SydneyNew South Wales and the largest city in Australia with an area of 12144.6 km2 and a population of 4,50 million people.

Sydney was the site of the first colonial European settlement in Australia and is located on the southeast coast of Avstralii.Poselenie built on the shore of a beautiful little coves round - Sydney Cove ( Sydney cove), located in the middle of the bay unique extended Sydney Harbour - the southern branch of the Bay of Port Jackson, separated by a narrow strait from the Tasman Sea.

In what city was built south of the Sydney Harbor Bay, and then around, that was the reason, that Sydney is often called "near Bay City» ( The Harbour City).

Over time, the city built entirely covered the bay of Port Jackson, includes three bays - Sydney Harbour, Middle Bay (Middle Harbour) and North Bay (North Harbour).

Currently, Sydney has grown even more, and includes just south Botany Bay (Botany Bay) Tasman Sea, on the northern shore of which is located Sydney International Airport.

Urban areas are located in Sydney's coastal plain, which is bounded in the east Pacific Ocean, Blue Mountains to the west, Hawkesbury River to the north and the Royal National Park to the south. The coastline is indented by numerous bays and coves, which were formed as a result of, that as the climate warms in the late glacial period and the rise in sea level, Water flooded the coastal river valleys and gorges of high mountains. Bay, Port Jackson, which includes the Sydney harbor Sydney Harbour, is precisely the kind of education and is the largest natural harbor in the world.

In the residential areas of the city is home to approximately 70 small bays and beaches, including the famous Bondi Beach. The area of ​​residential districts, including the Blue Mountains, Central Coast District and adjacent to the city parks of Sydney 12 145 km.

Sydney is one of the most multicultural and multinational cities in the world, that due to the fact, that the city is the main place of residence of immigrants arriving to take up permanent residence in Australia. According to a survey Mercer, Sydney is the first in Australia for the cost of living and 66 place in the world on this indicator.

City of Sydney is famous for its opera house, Harbour Bridge and its beaches. Residential areas are surrounded by a large national parks of Sydney. Shoreline (as an external "sea", and inter-city) highly indented. It is replete with numerous bays, bays, Islands and beaches.



The most important sectors of the economy of Sydney, are the service sector, trade, production, health care and public service. Beginning in the 1980s, the overall situation on the labor market changes so, that an increasing number of jobs transferred from the sphere of production in the service sector and the scope of information technology.

Economics is about Sydney 25 percent of the entire economy of Australia. In the town are the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) and the Reserve Bank of Australia, as well as the headquarters 90 banks and more than half the country's largest companies. Sydney is a major center of Australia, which houses regional offices of international companies (there are about 500). Of the ten largest four Australian companies are headquartered in Sydney (Caltex Australia, Commonwealth Bank, Westpac и Woolworth). Fox Studios Australia has large movie studio in town. Sydney Futures Exchange (SFE) is one of the largest exchanges of this kind in Australia-Pacific region. It is the 12th largest futures exchange in the world and 19th largest, if we assume that the turnover of options.

The central part of the city in addition to a large number of offices has a huge number of shopping centers, shops and boutiques. Shopping, Numerous cultural and sports events, architecture, historic sites and spectacular scenery of the city attracts many tourists from Australia, and from around the world. According to statistics, in 2004 visited the city 7,8 million Australian travelers and 2,5 million visitors from abroad.
The main attractions of Sydney:

* Sydney Opera House
* The Australian Museum (Australian Museum) One of the oldest museums in Australia, previously known as the Museum of Sydney (The Sydney Museum).
* Museum "Power Station" (Powerhouse Museum), Museum of Science.
* Avtraliysky National Maritime Museum (Australian National Maritime Museum).
* Sydney Aquarium
* Sydney Tower
* Centennial Parklands - парк в Сиднее.
* House at Elizabeth Bay (Elizabeth Bay House).
* Ферма Елизаветы (Elizabeth Farm).
* Justice and Police Museum (Justice & Police Museum)
* House Rous Sidler (Rose Seidler House).
* Усадьба Rouse Hill (Rouse Hill)
* Дом Meroogal
* Susannah Place Museum
* Mint (Sydney Mint)
* Усадьба Vaucluse House (Vaucluse House)
* Hyde Park Barracks (Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney)
* Government Building (Government House)
* Sydney Harbour
* Cathedral of Our Lady

Sydney, is the site of numerous political and international sporting events, such as the British Empire Games, Olympics , Rugby World Cup.

Residents of the city have the highest average income per capita in Australia, He is US $ 42 599 per capita. As of 2004 annual unemployment rate in the city 4,9 Percent. According to a study by The Economist, Sydney is 16 th in the list of most expensive cities in the world. Other studies have shown, that the city is located on the 15th place on the level of earnings of its residents.
Sydney is located in the temperate zone with its typical warm summers and cool winters. Rainfall, falling in, distributed throughout the year with an advantage in the winter months. In areas of the city, immediately adjacent to the ocean, the climate is more evenly, however, in the western districts of the city, located more deeply into the mainland of Australia, often have more extreme temperature spikes. The warmest month is January with an average temperature of 16,6-25,8 ° C and the average number of days with temperatures over 30 ° C - 14,6.

Winter temperatures rarely fall below 5 ° C in coastal areas. The coldest month is July with average daily temperature 8-16,2 ° C. Rainfall distribution during the year more or less evenly, with some predominance in the early months of the year, when the weather is determined in easterly winds.

The average annual rainfall in Sydney is 1217 mm, the average number of rainy days per year - 138. Snowfall was recorded in the central part of the last time in 1836 Year.

See the movie – city ​​of Sydney, a film about the world upside down in Australia, which is impervious to logic Europeans.

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