"People thought, that we are crazy ": We left everything, to live in a caravan

3 October, 2018


Dobnerov family traveled so far 50 000 km. Photo: Michael Franchi

Two weeks after the start of a six-month trip around Australia, Aaron and Jackie Dobner phoned his real estate agent and told her, so it is no longer leased their home.

"We told her just to sell it, and that we will not go back, – said Jacky.

It sounds like a pretty hard decision, but the couple said, that this was surprisingly easy.

"We made a minimalist lifestyle, – said Aaron. "It was katarsicheskim and very loose".



A couple of residents of Wollongong and their four children – Heidi, 9 Years, Ned, 4 года, Angus, 3 гоyearen, 18 Months – never lived in camping, but now they naezdili more 50 000 km in his caravan.

"We have had absolutely no support in this endeavor, – said Aaron. "Some people thought we were just crazy, as this – take four children on the road for a week? Not to mention that, to forever ".

Dobners at home in his 25-foot van. Photo: Michael Franchi

Before their trip forever Aaron, 47 years and 36-year-old Jacky, both were nurses in medklinike. I had to work in different shifts, and this meant, they had very little time to, to be together, as a family.

When was Zhakki beremenena Kadenom, Aaron was diagnosed with PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder or "Vietnam syndrome", the "Afghan syndrome" and t. p.), and it was the perfect time to make changes.

They sold, giving away or throw away all, that they belonged to, bought a land cruiser and 25-foot van Leader Explorer Gold caravan (7 m length 62 cm).

"We left home, where we have a playroom was more, than our entire caravan ", – said Aaron. "Now it seems ridiculous».

Extension: We all threw, to live in a caravan, Ч2

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