Как проехать из Брума в Кунунурра за шесть или 14 Days

9 Октябрь, 2015


Ущелье Гейки и река Фицрой.

Amazing Geikie Gorge and the river Fitzroy. Photo: Tourism in Western Australia

What would you have chosen is a relatively easy route, in the form of an amazing trip to Western Australia for six days or you choose for yourself 14-day adventure, available only from April to November?


From Broome to Kununurra
(Lite route)

Discover 40000 years of culture and its 350 million-year-old secrets.

ДЕНЬ 1 Broome Fitzroy Crossing (396 km)

The best time to address heading into this trip is from May to October.
Follow the great North-East Highway (Road 1) to the East of Broome, and you for 4 ½ hour cruise the plain Roebuck to Fitzroy Crossing.

Here, in one of the oldest settlements in Australia, You'll find, a major center of culture and arts of the indigenous peoples, and a world-class river fishing on one of the largest rivers on Earth (during flood).

ДЕНЬ 2 – Fitzroy Crossing – Geikie GORGE (40 km there and back)



Only 20 Northeast Fitzroy Crossing lies Geikie Gorge National Park.
You will get acquainted with the local residents of the Bunuba tribe and take a fascinating River Cruise and cultural tour, exploring the 30-meter deep gorge, fossilized ancient forms of life and wildlife, including freshwater crocodiles.

ДЕНЬ 3 – Fitzroy Crossing – Mimbi caves and Halls Creek (289 km)

The historic town of Fitzroy Crossing surround the entire 20 significant cultural objects, monuments including rock art caves Mimbi Gooniyandi.

Previously, you should take a sightseeing book drawn from the words Aboriginal and then drive about 90 minutes by car to the East for a wonderful maze of caves, where the guide will tell you where to go and tell you about the cultural significance of this place.

ДЕНЬ 4 – Halls Creek – Wolfe CREEK CRATER – (302KM)

To get from Halls Creek Crater National Park Wolf Creek, You can choose a dirt road to the South.

This is the second largest meteorite crater in the world has a size in diameter reaching 880 m.
Count, that for this trip you will need a whole day and a four-wheel drive jeep 4WD is recommended.

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