Best coffee house in Queensland and South Australia , Part 3

19 June, 2015


Zucchini fritters in Café "corner shop" at Tuvonge. Photo: Mark Krenich.


1. John Mills ' Own Persona, Brisben
The cafe in the evening, actually becomes a cocktail bar. Two in one!

2. Scout, Brisben
3. Kaffend / Caffiend, Кэрнс
4. Bunker, Milton
5. Shock Coffee Shop, Brisben
6. Gramercy coffee, Brisben

«Literally a hole in the wall, little piglet at the entrance to the St. Edward on the road to the winter garden, offers a delicious coffee and tempting menu», writes one reviewer Gramercy.

7. Café Corner Shop, 113 Sylvan Road, Tuvong (pictured above).
8. "Slightly Oblique Espresso Lodge», Nanda / Nundah
9. Espresso, LLC + Bru Bar, Fortitjud Valley
10. Kitchen Billy The Cat, Annelej

The owner of the, He is the head chef and Manager Ben O'donoghue, is the creator of this great café, where there are both closed, and open space, that makes it convenient to meet with «girls» in the Saturday morning or for a group of bikers.

South Australia

1. (E) To Ethel / (E) For Ethel, Adelaide



Coffee in this homely Cafe has been described by one respondent as Yelp, having «fruity and perfect taste», and Sweet dessert "Lola" – This is «ultimate dream».

Mandatory to visit coffee house "(E) to Ethel" in Adelaide. Photo: Yelp.

2. Coffee Brench, Adelaide
3. Coffee Barun, Sefton Park
4. «Specobmenu coffee» / Exchange Specialty Coffee, Adelaide
5. Buffet at Egmont, Hawthorne
6. Lantern Paddy, Adelaide

The menu is somewhat limited, but, According to one reviewer «you will be very happy after, How to pamper yourself Ocean smoked trout with pickled pumpkin and horseradish».

7. Mister Sunshine, Barton

Customers in the cafe "sunny" Mr. Barton.

8. Café-confectionary "Glutton", Hilton
9. Café Peel Street, Adelaide
10. Shop «broke», Colonel Light Gardens, South


Extension: Лучшие кофейни Западной Австралии >>
The second part of the: 100 the best coffee shops in Australia, Part 2 >>
Start: So here you have the best coffee in Australia? >>>

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