Шарлотта Пасс и Сельвин: Австралийские снежные поля в 2017 Year, ч4

2 August, 2017


This season, the kids will be well served on Australian snow fields.



Charlotte Pass ski resort is also turning its attention to the smallest on the slopes, extending its Kids Club, Kosi.

Daily (including weekends and holidays) The ski program is now open to children aged 3 before 12 Years.

The resort administration also decided to make the popular race for children a permanent event every Wednesday.

The race allows young skiers and snowboarders to develop their competition skills in a safe and child-friendly environment, and also to provide regular visitors with extra pleasure, so you don't have to worry, when they go to the Charlottes. – Australia's highest-altitude ski resort 1760 m.



Selwyn Ski Resort acquires new portable snow machines called SnowFlake 25 / Sn'Flake 25. The one-of-a-kind New South Wales SnowFlake allows snow to be produced at ambient temperature before 25 degrees. This guarantees snow and the new chairlift "New Chum" works for the queen's birthday in June.




Selwyn now also offers an updated children's ski school with Discoverers and Explorers programs / Discoverers and Explorers, designed for children from 18 months before 6 Years. Both programs offer indoor and outdoor classes, as well as an introductory skiing program, aimed at developing children's confidence and abilities to ski in the snow.


Added extra cameras around the resort, which now allow visitors to view the live weather conditions on four different stretches of the mountain, including New Chum chairlifts, Township Summit, Township Base and Racecourse. For more information, visit selwynsnow.com.au

Extension: Маунт Буллер, ч5

Previous part: Австралийские снежные поля в 2017 Year: Тредбо, ч3

В начало статьи: Австралийские снежные поля: что нового в 2017 Year. Perysher.


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