Кинг Айленд: Здесь ВЫ обязательно влюбитесь в какую-нибудь ДАМУ

30 Сентябрь, 2016


Sunset on King Island! Photo: Johanna Leggatt

Здесь ВЫ обязательно влюбитесь в какую-нибудь ДАМУ

Like many rural communities across Australia, the King Island there is an overabundance of guys (and not too many women).

Take an example from me. I met my partner. 10 years ago while on holiday on King Island. I was living in Brisbane at the time and went there because of the depressingly hot weather in February.

I've never been on an island before., but was forced to visit it for some strange reason, and so I recklessly booked a ticket.

On the first day on the island I met one of the local artists in the cafe, and, Three months later, we moved to live together on the mainland.

We have since settled in Melbourne, but visit King Island so often, as soon as our lives allow us to.

Every time, When we go there, I am amazed by the quiet magic of these places, the wind here seems to have gone to sleep in the trees, and at dusk, the Wallabies are snooping around..

And I find myself thinking: "It's good that I'm not in Bali Bogan».

Как добраться:



From Melbourne to King Island 40 Minutes of flight.

Rex Airlines jets depart from Melbourne's Tullamarine Airport; Sharp Airlines flies from Essendon, and King Island Air will deliver flights departing from Moorabbin.

Where to stay:

In the main town of Curry, from the Devil's Lachuga Hotel (Devils Gap Shacks) Stunning views of the ocean.

Learn more: devilsgapretreat.com.au

You can also stay in luxury Port Links (Portside Links) in Grassi, which is a short walk from the secluded beach.

Hotel website: portsidelinks.com.au

For more information, visit the website: kingisland.org.au

В начало статьи: Кинг Айленд: the best places in Australia, that nobody visits >>>

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