Место лучшее чем Великая Океанская Дорога

4 Октябрь, 2016


 Фото: Лия Макленнэн

Mclennan collection against the backdrop of the stunning zakazta. Photo: Лия Макленнэн

In fact, Great Ocean Road, raspiarennaja, as the most scenic highway, Victoria, does not deserve its title, as the best route to travel on Australia. Road Gibb River Road is far superior to it in every way.

«We have a tv in your car?», asked my four-year-old daughter.

«No», answer I, in the hope of, that it is shifting its attention to the desire to fall asleep.

«I will sleep upstairs with you, and Tallulah can sleep downstairs with dad».

Oh no, I think to myself.

Right outside the window looms array Cockburn Range. Left side pass standing over vyzhzhenym landscape rare huge baobabs.

These roadside landscapes, in my opinion, look much better, than the Great Ocean Road, often referred to as, as number one for a self-drive holiday in Australia.

Soon I see a road sign for El Kujesto.

It makes me zavizzhat from excitement.

If I had a puppy, I would have ran in a circle, to express the joy from the fact that I'm heading to the huge cattle stations, turned in the resort, which includes the thermal springs of Zebedee and Gorges Amelia and El Kujesto.



And then the stone caught in the windshield leaves on it crack.

The land cruiser safaris from Britz is the best way to get here. Photo: Лия Макленнэн.

We passed on our truck on Gibb, who walked so fast, as if no speed limits on the Autobahn in Germany is not one hour without any adventures and where suddenly this stone…

I dove head first into the glove box in the search for a car rental contract.

Cheers! Our insurance covers windscreen.

Smiling, We roll ahead.

After a brief stop with duct tape for sealing up cracks growing on the windshield, We approach the crossing.

«There are crocodiles?», asked my six-year-old, While I'm going to wade through the water, to make some photos.

«I haven't thought about it», yell I and all legs embarking to the car.

Extension: Camping near Al Kujesto, Part 3 >>

Start:  Why Gibb River Road is the best in Australia >>>

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