Imports of fruit and vegetables in Australia gaining momentum

28 Август, 2013




За последние годы в Австралии наблюдается значительный рост импорта продукции сельского хозяйства. Так за последние десять лет импорт овощей и фруктов в страну вырос почти вдвое и достиг суммы 2 Billion. Australian dollars.
И это при том, что Австралия сама является крупным производителем продукции сельского хозяйства. Однако впервые с 1995 года производство такой основной овощной культуры как картофель упало до уровня ниже 1,2 млн.тонн.
According to the Australian Agricultural Institute, AFI imports the most potatoes from New ealand to Australia, Worth 90 млн. $. In second place is imports from China, on 65 млн. $, also, the potato coMillionom Turkey, Greece, India and Peru.
Despite this, Australians do not travel to the above countries so often, with the possible exception of New Zealand, and, let's say, domestic tourism is preferred to rest in Turkey, Fortunately, the expanses of the "green continent" allow you to do this.
In General, survey of public opinion have on Australians are prepared to support domestic producers of agricultural products and give preference to fresh vegetables and fruits it is local farmers. But when it comes to canned, frozen or processed products, they are becoming less picky in choosing a producing country, than put local farmers in a more disadvantageous competitive position compared with other countries, importers. Encouraging, So, increase in imports of processed fruit and vegetable products to the detriment of their own producers.

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