Marine and rail transport Australia
14 February, 2010
Transportation Australia, marine and rail transportation. Sea transport has always been necessary to move heavy bulk, which are mainly produced in Australia.
In the 1995-1996 fiscal godugruzooborot Australian ports was almost 400 млн. t mezhdunarmillionh bulk (of them 70% accounted for iron ore and coal) and 22 млн. tonnes of international cargo nemassovyh.Million
The scale of trafficking in bulk leading positions were occupied by Dampier Port (железная руда), Port Hedland (железiron oree (coal and iron ore) and the Hay Point (coal).
The capitals of the states located on the coasts and ports are common types of cargo. Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Fremantle (outport Perth) are the largest ports in terms of total turnover. The most significant carrier - the state company "Ostrelien neshenel line", which in 1996 belonged to 10 Courts.
The first Australian railway was built in Melbourne 1854. Do not co-ordinated the construction of roads with different gauge, held from the colonial authorities, led to the creation of, which was inconvenient, expensive and malooperativnoy. The primary task was to translate the national rail system to a single standard gauge. In this respect, the importance of the restructuring of the railway line had the Adelaide - Melbourne 1995.
The Australian government was considering railways as a means of developing country. Maximum length - 42 000 kilometers - has been achieved in the 1921. Subsequently, the length of the network decreased slightly, and in 1996 motion was supported by the state railways of a total length of 33 370 km.
Besides, acted more private lines, belonged mainly to companies for the extraction of iron ore, including the Mount Newman line length 425 km long line of Hamersley 390 km (both in the Pilbara region of Western Australia).
The system of state railways, long time separately managed by different states, in 1991 was reassigned National Railway Corporation.
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