Christmas in Australia
23 August, 2011
Christmas in Australia – is the main holiday gift, Christmas give everything to everybody, and celebrate it 25 December, the day before a holiday Boxing Day.Australians are very fond of Christmas, like most New Year,in Australia and even the Christmas tree is not Christmas, and Christmas (Christmas tree).
On the eve of Christmas – 24 December, Australian life fades almost 4 Day, Australians celebrate Christmas with your family, and at Christmas the whole family get together, I will go around the country, and often from other countries. On Christmas table Australians traditionally present seafood, salads, fruit and of course turkey.
Australian Christmas holidays – this is not a few days, Christmas season begins well before the Christmas and lasts more than a month. in the city Adelaide official opening of the season is the Christmas Parade in mid-November, when Santa rides into town, this is amazing and the biggest event of its kind in the country, which has become a tradition and one of the attractions of the capital of South Australia.
Christmas Parade - is moving seventy fabulous platforms and twenty brass bands accompanied by hundreds of clowns, pirates, wooden soldiers, and many other fairy tale characters who take part in a festive procession. Tens of thousands of Adelaide come to look at this enchanting procession. And, despite the length of the cavalcade, searing November sun and thirty-five degree heat, holiday atmosphere poured into the streets, filling every corner.
Just before Christmas, bus drivers, shop assistants and bank employees dress up in caps and reindeer horns. Santa goes on shopping malls and other crowded places, to take orders from the children gifts and take pictures. All the preparations for the Christmas and New Year holidays is heard everywhere Christmas songs and children's choir.
By city passing platform with fabulous characters and are brass bands. This procession ends reindeer team and sleigh, which sits Santa Claus. In Adelaide in Santa Claus has his magic cave, to guide the process and. In this cave Santa lives up to Christmas, and to see him, anyone can look.
What is different this time in the life of Australians from all other? Surely, magical holiday atmosphere, which mixes with expectation of a miracle. People become closer, friendlier and kinder. The offices are arranged Christmas lunches and dinners. In stores reigns incredible revival. The people running around in search of gifts for Christmas. Here and there in the big malls hear live music and singing. Playing children's choirs, chamber ensembles, Dixieland, pianists. Hear Christmas carols everywhere. On weekends in the morning people are going large and small groups for picnics – family, friendly, office.
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