Mark Webber – Australia's richest sportsman

3 December, 2010


Australia's richest sportsman became pilot of "Red Bull" Webber, earned in the last year 13,4 million dollars.

Mark Webber was the pilot of the team "Red Bull" in 2007 Year, ending the year in the rating of "F1" on 12 location, and 2010 year brought the Aussie 4 victory and 3 place ranking.

34-old Webber, slipped from first golfer Greg Norman, which still makes millions, but his income is not associated with the sport, and with business.



The second line on the basis of the calculations took center-basketball team, "Milwaukee", Andrew Bogut, with revenue 12,6 Million. USD, ostaviv behind Chad Reed, devoted himself to motocross (7,5 million).

Fifth was the midfield, "Everton" Tim Keyhil, earned for 2010 Year 4,2 million. On the tenth place Harry Kewell, advocates for "Galatasaray" - 3,5 million dollars.

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