Customs regulations

5 December, 2010


Upon entry into Australia:

Goods, in respect of which exemption from payment of customs duties

Allowed to import free of duty:

* Items worth less than 900 австралийских долларов (for those under 18 years - costing no more than 450 австралийских дAustralian dollarsinclude gifts, souvenirs, photo- and video, electronic equipment, leather goods, perfume, Jewelry, watches and sporting equipment. Alcohol and tobacco products in this list does not include.

Alcohol products:

* 2,25 liters of alcoholic beverages.

Tobacco products are the same species (of choice)::

* 250 cigarettes;

* 250 grams of cigars or other tobacco products.

Exemption from customs duties when importing alcohol and tobacco products are allowed in respect of persons, reached 18 Years.

In the case of, when the number of imported goods above the specified quota, customs duties paid on imported goods of all parties of this kind.

At the entrance to Australia Family Quota, established for duty-free import of goods, are summarized.

When goods are imported for personal use, such as clothing, shoes, personal hygiene items, and exemption from customs duties and taxes.

Individuals, arriving in Australia on a mission

For people, arriving in Australia on a business trip, and importing goods for commercial purposes or samples of such goods, you may need special permission to import - depending on the nature of the products. Also, to such goods on the same basis used sanitary, phytosanitary and other regulations. Filing a customs declaration is required in cases, when the value of the goods exceeds 250 Australian dollars.

Laptops and other similar electronic equipment may be imported without payment of customs duties and taxes provided, that the goods will be shipped after receiving entity in Australia.



Unaccompanied baggage

On goods, imported in unaccompanied baggage, not subject to the rules on granting duty-free import quotas for. Such goods are subject to customs duties, unless it were owned by individuals and are not used to them during 12 Months, prior to importation. The same rule applies to international mail, Sent to Australia.

Customs clearance of unaccompanied personal effects, imported into the territory of Australia, can be produced both by the person, and face, they designated, or a customs broker.

In the process of customs clearance to view:

* declaration for unaccompanied baggage;

* Passport;

* detailed packing list (the list of imported equipment).

Customs officials may inspect baggage. During the test, a person must provide the maximum assistance, providing all required information and documents.

Goods, subject to obligatory declaration

Animals, plants and their derivatives

Mandatory declaration is required for all imported animals, plants and their derivatives, as well as products, produced from such animals or plants.

In Australia, there are fairly strict rules in relation to goods, produced from animals and plants, Endangered.

in particular, established prohibitions and restrictions on the importation of goods, produced from such animals, plant and materials, the turtles, Crocodiles, Alligators, Snake, Elephants, rhinos, Lizards, monitors, Zebras, Whales, Representatives of the cat family, hard corals, shells of giant clams, Orchids, Sturgeon caviar.

The import of such goods is allowed under permit, issued by the Ministry of the Environment Australia.


Must declare all food products, regardless of their type and degree of the prepared.

Firearms and other weapons and ammunition (ammunition)

Should inquire in advance, whether there is a ban on the importation into Australia of a particular type of weapon. In any case, the entry of weapons into the country must obtain a permit and pass a test for safety.


Mandatory declaration is required for all drugs, imported into Australia. Special permission is required for the import of medicines:

* containing narcotic substances, amphetamine, Hallucinogens, anabolics, barbiturates, androgenic steroids, growth hormones and erythropoietin;

* recognized as a means of doping.

It is also recommended to carry a prescription or a doctor's opinion, which was described to the health and cited a list of recommended drugs.


Must declare the amount of imported currency 10000 Australian dollars or more.

Allowed importation of desktop personal computers and laptops, and similar electronic equipment, subject to subsequent re-exportation of goods outside the territory of Australia.

The import of fireworks in the personal luggage, flammable liquids, caustic, corrosive substances, gas cartridges.

Temporary import of goods

Goods may be temporarily imported into Australia without payment of customs duties and taxes of up to 12 Months. Prior to the expiration of temporarily imported goods must be exported from Australia. In granting exemption from payment of customs duties, the nature of the goods, the purpose of import and other similar circumstances.

1. Temporary importation of tourists and people, temporarily residing in Australia, Product, intended for exhibition and sale of goods or samples.

When the temporary importation of such goods shall be warranted for the amount subject to payment of customs duties. In the case of, when the goods before the deadline will not be exported from Australia, of the guarantee amount shall be canceled customs duties.

You must also fill the special form (form 46). This document must be submitted to and during the subsequent exportation of such goods from Australia.

2. Temporary importation of goods into the territory of Australia in accordance with international agreements. Import done without a customs declaration and without payment of customs duties and taxes. Filled in the form of the special (Form 46AA), which will also be required to submit a subsequent export of goods from Australia. Besides, when you make a temporary import will require:

+ draw up a detailed list of goods temporarily imported;

+ provide a guarantee in the amount subject to payment of customs duties.

In the case of, when the goods before the deadline will not be exported from Australia, guarantee amount is used to pay customs duties.

in particular, temporary importation can be done on the basis of the following international instruments:

* Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Professional Equipment (Customs Convention on the temporary importation of professional equipment – Brussels, 8 June 1961 г., entered into force 1 July 1962 г.);G.

* Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of Scientific Equipment (Customs Convention on the temporary importation of scientific equipment – Brussels, 11 June 1968 г., entered into force 5 September 1969 г.);G.

* Customs Convention on Temporary Importation of educational materials (Customs Convention on the temporary importation of pedagogic material – Brussels, 8 June 1970 г., entered into force 10 September 1971 г.).G.

Moving to permanent residence in Australia

Individuals, moving to Australia for permanent residence or returning to the country in order, to resume permanent residence, given the opportunity to duty-free import of goods in unaccompanied baggage provided, that the individual owned and used in such products during the 12 Months, prior to entry into Australia.

Alcoholic, tobacco and other goods, imported directly to the person, not subject to this rule.

Customs officials may check the goods, imported in unaccompanied baggage, to make sure, that the person has not abused its right to exemption from customs duties and taxes.

Import of vehicles for permanent use

You must obtain an import permit, issued by the Ministry of Transport and Regional Services.

You must also provide the vehicle to check the quarantine and inspection service after the arrival of Australia's resources for the country. The intersection of the boundaries of the vehicle owner must pay the due customs payments – duty and, if necessary, taxes (tax on goods and services tax on expensive cars). The amount of customs duty is calculated on the basis of the customs value of the car.

To assess the customs value of the vehicle, acquired before 2 March 1998 year, use the following methods of assessment of customs value.

1. Take the purchase price of the car in a foreign currency, to which is added the cost of all modifications made to. Do not include the cost of repair and maintenance services for the normal functioning of the vehicle.

From the resulting amount shall be deducted the following values:

– 5 % for the first full calendar month of ownership and use of the vehicle and 1 % for each subsequent calendar month of ownership and use of a vehicle. The limit is 76 %, Ie. Approximately 6 years of ownership and use of the vehicle. Possession and use is documented, issued in the name of the person, carrying out the import of a vehicle. The term of possession and use of the vehicle starts from the date of purchase or delivery (в зависимости от того, whichever is later) and ends with the date of departure of the owner or the vehicle from the country of vehicle registration (в зависимости от того, whichever is earlier).depending on whether

The resulting price converted to Australian dollars, taking into account the current official exchange rate at the date of exportation of the vehicle from the country of permanent residence.

This formula for calculating the customs value shall not apply in the following cases:

* person can not provide the customs officials at the place of importation of the vehicle documents, confirming the purchase price of the vehicle (invoice, receipt, etc.);

* the vehicle was purchased abroad at a lower price;

* between the date of purchase of the vehicle and its subsequent importation into the territory of Australia, its value has changed significantly in connection with the following circumstances:

o the vehicle has been equipped with additional elements, that is, significant modifications have been made, major repairs, etc.. changes, significantly affected the value of the vehicle (in this case is not considered minor repairs and maintenance);

o the vehicle suffered significant damage;

* there are insurmountable doubts about the reliability or the accuracy of information provided by the person.

2. An alternative method of determining the customs value:

The customs value will be 40 % from the existing to date value of the vehicle in the Australian market. Determining that value is produced with the participation of the expert assessment of vehicles.

To assess the customs value of the vehicle, Acquired after 2 March 1998 years inclusive, use the following methods of assessment of customs value.

1. The method of transaction value. This method is based on the price, paid for the vehicle under a contract of sale provided, that the price level did not affect any adverse factors. This method is used in cases, when the person can prove, that the vehicle was purchased with a view to its subsequent importation into Australia.

The method of transaction value can not be used in cases, when:

* there is no documentary evidence of the contract of sale or when there are doubts about the integrity of the acquisition;

* the vehicle was purchased abroad at a symbolic or nominal cost;

* between the date of purchase of the vehicle and its subsequent importation into the territory of Australia, its value has changed significantly in connection with the following circumstances:

o the vehicle has been equipped with additional elements, that is, significant modifications have been made, major repairs, etc.. changes, significantly affected the value of the vehicle (in this case is not considered minor repairs and maintenance);

o the vehicle suffered significant damage.

2. Alternative method.

This method is used in cases, where the application of the method on the transaction value can not be. In this case, the basis is the cost of a similar vehicle in Australia based on data, submitted by the person, specializing in the assessment of vehicles.

Customs officials may reduce this cost if there are sufficient circumstances in each case.

The customs value of the vehicle shall be calculated in Australian dollars. If necessary, convert the amount from any other currency in the exchange rate of Australian, existing at the date of entry of the vehicle in Australia.

Taxes on goods and services

The amount of tax payable is 10% of the taxable value of the vehicle. The taxable value of the sum of the following values:

* customs value of the vehicle;

* Customs duty payable;

* amount, paid or payable for the:

o the international transportation of the vehicle and

o Insurance of the vehicle for transport.

The tax on expensive cars

The tax is paid with a tax on goods and services in respect of vehicles, value is above a set limit, who at the beginning 2006 year was 57.009 Australian dollar (taking into account the amount of tax on goods and services).

The rate of tax on expensive cars - 25 %. The tax is not payable in respect of motorcycles and vehicles, designed for the transport of goods over 2 tons of freight to and including or not a 9 passengers to and including.

Temporary import of vehicles

Tourists and persons, temporarily residing in Australia, the right to import vehicles, trailers, Trailers to Australia for a period, not exceeding 12 months without payment of customs duties and taxes being taken out of the vehicle outside of Australia. Renewal of temporary importation is permitted in exceptional cases. Imported vehicle is subject to mandatory inspection by Quarantine and Inspection Service. You must also provide guarantees in the amount of customs duties owed to.

In the case of, If the vehicle is damaged, up to the impossibility of its further operation, or stolen, person shall promptly notify the customs authorities is at his place of arrival in the territory of Australia. All accessories and spare parts, imported with the vehicle, should also be removed at the end of the period of temporary importation.

Registration of vehicles

Before importing the vehicle into the territory of Australia to advance to contact with Australian registration authorities at the place of the proposed registration, to make, the vehicle and the documents comply with all requirements.

The vehicle may be temporarily imported and used in Australia for a period of temporary importation, provided a valid vehicle registration in the country, where it is temporarily removed.

Imports of yachts and pleasure boats

These rules apply to yachts and pleasure boats, imported for noncommercial purposes.

For all persons, arriving in Australia on a yacht or pleasure boat, must meet the following requirements:

Every person who, arriving by yacht or pleasure boat, must have a valid visa and passport.

behind 96 hours prior to arrival in the territory of Australia must notify customs officials about the alleged entry. Notification can be done:

* по электронной почте на адрес;

* by fax to +61 2 6275 6331;

* by telephone at the number of +61 3 9244 8973.

It is also required to provide the following information:

* name of vessel;

* intended first port of arrival;

* estimated time of arrival;

* the last four ports;

* Information about individuals, on board (Name, date of birth, nationality / citizenship and passport information);

* information about recent illnesses;

* the presence of animals on board;

* the presence of firearms on board.

On arrival in Australia of the special forms filled in on arrival in Australia of a vehicle and a passenger card entry.

When leaving Australia

Goods, subject to obligatory declaration at departure from Australia

Animals and plants

In Australia, there are fairly strict prohibitions and restrictions on exports from the country of various species of animals and plant varieties, and their derivatives.

Also, prohibitions and restrictions apply to goods, produced using materials, derived from reptiles, Whales, hard corals and the shells of giant clams.

Need to consult a specialist before the Australian service environment in the country with respect to the prohibitions and restrictions on export. For the export of such animals and plants does a permit, issued by that service.


Must declare the amount of exported foreign currency in 10.000 Australian dollars or more.

Firearms and ammunition (ammunition)

For the export of firearms and ammunition necessary to obtain permission to Customs.

The objects of cultural heritage

No special permit or prohibit the export shipment to the territory of Australia's goods, recognized as a cultural heritage. As such, they may be recognized as works of art, grade coins, archaeological finds, minerals, etc..

Goods Defence and Strategic

In Australia, the export control for a wide range of products and technologies. In accordance with the approved list of goods defense and strategic for the export of such goods as computers, Telecommunications Equipment, equipment for information security, Sensors and Lasers, navigation and avionics, and other similar items must obtain a special permit or export license, issued by the Ministry of Defence.


Should be consulted in advance about the availability of the prohibitions or restrictions on the export of specific drugs. in particular, advisable to carry a prescription or a doctor's recommendation, which was described to the health and cited a list of recommended drugs.

The export of high value goods

In the case of, when the person leaves Australia with the intention to then return to the country and exporting high-value items (For example, computer, photo- or camcorder), you must be registered with the exported goods of the special form. Registration takes place in a document by specifying the serial number of the goods or any other information, which can serve as a basis for the identification of goods.

If a person intends to reclaim VAT, you need to fill in the above document does not.

On his return to Australia do not need to re-declare these goods - it is only necessary to submit a completed registration form for the goods.

As for jewelry and other goods, identification of which may be difficult, against them can be represented by receipts or certificates of insurance, evidence of ownership of the specified goods.

Refund of tax on goods and services and equalizing the tax on wine

Refund of tax on goods and services and equalizing the tax on wine is made in respect of goods, purchased in Australia and exported by a person directly or in carry-on luggage through the airport or seaport.

Requires the following::

* a person must spend 300 Australian dollars or more (including a tax on goods and services) in one store with an indication of the value of goods in a single tax invoice;

* Items must be purchased no later than 3 days prior to departure from Australia;

* goods are exported through the airport or seaport person directly or in carry-on luggage;

* Statement of tax refund shall be made no later than 30 minutes before the planned flight at the airport. When leaving Australia through the port declaration shall be made no more than 4 hours, but not less than an hour before the planned departure of the vessel.

The amount of tax in respect of goods, that were bought and fully or partially employed in Australia (For example, food), not return.

When the application demands for the return of the tax must be submitted to the customs officials:

* goods, in respect of which require repayment of tax;

* Original tax invoices, confirming the value of goods 300 Bole or Australian dollars;

* Passport;

* any document, confirming the status of a person travel.

Refund of tax on goods and services not produced in respect of the following items:

* alcoholic beverages, with the exception of wine and wine products, and tobacco;

* Product, wholly or partly consumed in Australia;

* Product, prohibited for carriage by air or water transport for safety reasons;

* Product, exported in unaccompanied baggage;

* Product, purchased online and imported into Australia.

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