10 лучших маршрутов на авто по Новой Зеландии, Part 2

10 December, 2013


Glenorchy / Glenoarchy. Новая Зеландия. Photo: Akos Kokai.

This is a continuation of the article describing the 10 the best routes in the NHS, which are recommended to be done by car. Start of article here.


3. Куинстаун – Glenorchy.

This trip may well be the most beautiful scenic road in New Zealand., or, at least, These words are a constant refrain to the answer to the question about the route from Queenstown to Glenorchy / Glenorchy. If you can break away from the hustle and bustle of Queenstown, then what you see will really be worth your effort.. Hills, distant snow-capped ridges and blue waters, which reflect the untouched surrounding nature, for the sake of it you take a trip around the Lake Wakatipu, It's really incredible.

4. For wine in Christchurch: Marlborough's Wine Country.



A journey through the region where the world's best grapes grow «Sauvignon Blanc». Take a bottle or two with you, to enjoy it after the trip.

5. Highway to the Lost World.

Forgotten world Highway. Photo: Robinvanmlurisk.

The aptly named route – Highway in the "lost world" is a throwback to another time, Thanks to the twisting, upside-down style of the route, which runs along a typical rural area. This time it is best to go at sunset. Besides, the route is quite short, so that you can return until complete darkness!


To be continued >>
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