Problema zagryazneniya musorom akvatorii Avstralii
29 Апрель, 2013
If Avstralii problems in recycling otxodov, as bytovyx Tak and promyšlennyx strongly not much, It avstralijskie Uchenye vserʹez obespokoeny problemoj pollution Rubbish waters, prinadlezhaschix Avstralii.
Tak on feedback flows, мусoр, vovremya ne sobranny in meshki for musora, forms a Huge floating in the ocean Landfills. With this there plastik, kotoryj naxoditsâ in Műsor not practical podveržen expansion and mountains in the ocean Musora, the forecast učenyx, Rusty will tolko and rost will treasure in geometricheskoy progressii.
Team učenyx, from the University of Western Avstralii, razrabotala first map location Musora in avstralijskix vodax, orientiruyas nA dannuyu kartu, Po mneniyu uchenyx, so can Vremenem will clean the ocean by hazardous Musora.
Julia Rayser, Odna from sostavitelej cards, What obʺâsnila the moment Today's map reflects the total LIS condition pribrežnyx line around Avstralii, but with Vremenem Uchenye namereny Apply the map musor, raspolozhenny in predelax 80 kilometers from the shore Avstralii.
Julia Rajser napomnila naskolʹko important Sobirat musor in special bags for Musora and send to his pererabatyvaûŝie Company, What zametiv musor in ocean life ugrožaet morskix Inhabitants, stradaût birds and people unconditionally.
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