Julia Gillard says the election is waiting for photo finish

19 Июль, 2010




Джулия Гиллaрд гoвoрит чтo выбoры ждeт фoтoфинишJulia Gillard polagaet, chto vybory zavershatsya fotofinishem, нeсмoтря дaжe нa тo, chto ee Leyboristskaya partiya lidiruet in oprosax and He tak davno zaklyuchila zhiznenno vazhnuyu for sebya sdelku with Zelenymi.

Лeйбoристскaя пaртия бoрeтся зa сoxрaнeниe сoбствeннoгo oчeнь нeбoльшoгo прeимущeствa и стрeмится с помощью Зеленоватых привлечь к себе колеблющихся приверженцев оппозиционной Коалиции.

Ms Gillard, rejecting the predictions of future landslide victory, goes on to say, that this kind of predictions are discrepancies to the Municipal Executive Committee of her party.

Premier, when speaking, ahead will be intense struggle, also rejected the results of extreme poll Newspoll, who arranged Labor's first place with 42% at 38% the Coalition.

"We still see a lot of polls before election day", - She said this morning in Townsville.

"I think, that our advantage thinly, razor. I also believe, that we will have "photo finish" ".

Ms Gillard spent the morning in Townsville, had breakfast with the local candidate Tony Mooney, Before presenting the files of the regional housing.

Located in Townsville constituency Herbert has basically proleyboristsky electorate, but specifically for this place to get a brutal fight with the Coalition.

The Prime Minister arrived at the Herbert district during the "pre-election offensive" Labour, To donate money to 15 new local hospital beds for patients particularly languid. But in order to strengthen its position here, Gillard will need a lot more, if just 15 beds.

"I was really clear, that we present our budget to a surplus in 2013 G., and nothing, what am I doing in this campaign, will not change this.

Mooney showered Gillard thanked, despite its proximity to the man, she shifted to higher post.

"There is no secret in the fact, that Kevin Rudd has been kind to me, but I think, we got in the face of Julia Gillard vpechatlayuschego favorite, That, with whom I am pleased to work, and who, I'm sure, will work in the interests of regional Australia and those cities, as Townsville,"- PrHe oiznes.

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