What is the cost to live in Sydney

7 Июль, 2010


Скoлькo стoит жить в СиднeePochti polovina residents Sidneya schitayut chto, togo to chtoby live in Australia and they are normally komfortno dolzhny zarabatyvat From 100 000$, no three are back goda v nazyvali figure in twice mensa.

Пoслeдний oпрoс, provedenny Sidneyskoy Palatoy Biznesa, пoкaзaл, What 47% сиднeйцeв считaют, that the capital of the Newest South Wales - "the city for people with six-digit income".

In 2007 G. The same survey showed, that's just 24% respondents think, that it is necessary to make 100 000$, unmatched to live in Sydney.

In a new poll 15% respondents uttered, that they have earned six-figure sum. This is more than double the national percentage of, to provide data of the Ministry of Taxation, speaking, that only 6% Australians had taxable income of more than 100 000$ per year.

The survey confirms a new analysis of Australian Bureau of Statistics, who says, that retail prices rise above the inflation rate in March 2007 to March 2010 gg.

Residents pay a, at least, on 2$ more per kilogram of meat in Sydney, and as for milk, Cheese, bread, Oil, Some fruits and vegetables, Tea and coffee.



District Point Piper in the east according to the poll goes ahead with an average annual income of a resident - 186 000$, followed by the northern area of ​​Mosman - 156 000$. Closes the "club shestiznachnikov» Birchgrove in the west - 100 000$.

Chairman of the Sydney Chamber of Business said Patricia Forsythe, that the percentage of the population of the city, earning more 100 000$ per year, was in fact the minimum, than most people considered it at first.

But for 75% of these 304 Respondents, according to a survey of the House, Sydney has become less affordable, regardless of whether, how much they earn.

Rising interest payments from the loans were the main explanation for this answer, said Mrs. Forsythe. Such costs have risen by about people 17% Since September last year.

"Government workers also felt the increased cost of living", - She said.

The review identified the fact, that he CBD (Central Business District of Sydney) was the least preferred place, to live there, only like 5%, while the eastern suburbs has become the most desirable for people from all circles of Sydney.

A separate survey showed the Mercer Service, that Sydney - the best life of all Australian cities, and 10th in the world, ahead of New York.

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