Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: конная гонка Бирдсвилль, ч2
23 October, 2017
Admittedly, This uneasy rest, and there are a few requirements, to travel along this route. You must have a reliable car, that can cope with the terrain, as well as the adoption of the fact, that this is not a glamorous journey (at some point you are sure will urinate on the side of the road, If you have certainly not iron bladder). But impressions, you get, and people, that you visit, certainly naverstajut this little misunderstanding.
I traveled along the road in a jeep Birdsvill Mazda BT50. Road, from time to time, can be pretty rough, and even when the conditions are good, There are corrugated sections, that on some cars make noise your posterior teeth gear.
If you manage to, then try to combine your trip with Birdsvill races, How did we (Ie. at the beginning of September). This horse race is unique, like no other – you will see hardened hard on cattle farms of men in women's costumes, a travelling boxing troupe, which pulls out to battle local lovers of Sports Hall, competitions for riding on horses and people like this, as Pauline Hanson (the leader of a small political party in Australia, known for his scandalous antics and statements), uses the capabilities of the race for his party's PR..
During this two-day event, the city's population, located on a dusty desert road, increases dramatically from 100 before 7000 person. The fact, that this race is one of the most remote of the races in the world, make it a real event in the form of compulsory activities to visit for many people.
Extension: Автопробег по бездорожью: дешевый отпуск, о котором австралийцы забывают: отель Мангеранни и станция Клейтон , ч3 >>
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