Внутри городов-призраков Австралии

10 Сентябрь, 2014


Road to nowhere? Ghost Cook, South Australia. Photo: Amanda Slater Source: Flickr.

When something, These prosperous Australian city bustled as hives of vital functions. But the years have inflicted a heavy toll on them, and now only a few lonely souls remain there, to tell an intriguing story of these formerly-rich regions.

After unsuccessful mining towns and railway junctions, only ghost towns, that offering an exciting journey into the past, which most of us can only imagine.
They continue to stand today, just frozen in time.

And while they may be of interest mostly only as monuments to themselves, some of these areas are so spectacular in their apparent emptiness, that were used as backdrops for films, such as mission impossible II , or visited them even celebrities, as Patrick Swayze.
Here's 14 forgotten cities in Australia. The list was compiled using ghost towns, created by Lifehacker.

1. Cook, South Australia

Abandoned city Cook. Photo: Sheila Thomson. Source: Flickr.



This station on the Trans-Australian railway was built in 1917 year in the middle of the road at a standstill the Nullarbor. The population was Cook 50 person, that helped keep the functionality of tracks, but now there remained only four people. Most of the buildings were slated for demolition, including school.

This is actually the longest straight stretch of railway in the world, Length 478 Kilometers.

Prison cell in the town of Cook,. Photo: Sheila Thomson. Source: Flickr.

If you are not a special admirer of everyones there ruins and abandoned cities, and soak up the warmth of the sand and splash in the sea, now is perhaps the best time to travel to Crimea, in Alushta:

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