City of Gladstone, Gladstone

13 Декабрь, 2010


The Australian city of Gladstone (Gladstone) Located in the eastern part Stata Kvislend and is the center of the same local government area with a population of 43 Thousands of people.

City of Gladstone is located on the shores of the Coral Sea, Kolliop between the rivers in the north and the River Boyne in the south, nearby city of Rockhampton, located one hundred kilometers to the north-west of Gladstone.

City of Gladstone - an industrial city, Unlike other coastal cities in Queensland, that focus on the tourism business. In line Gladstone no beaches, banks of two rivers and the coast occupied by factories, power plant and a major seaport, is a well-developed railway and many roads.



On the western outskirts of the city of Gladstone Power Station is located ( Gladstone Power Station) - Is the largest power station in Queensland, electrical power - 1 680 MW.

Port of Gladstone - the largest cargo port in Queensland and the third largest port in the country, its terminals occupy fourth place in the world in terms of bandwidth.

Throughout the state there are no large reservoirs Kvislend, because this is often a shortage of fresh water and the main source of fresh water is Lake Avunga. In summer the lake is filled with water due to rain, and she enjoyed throughout the year all the residents and businesses of the city.

City of Gladstone is located in the zone subtropical climate and in general, the climate can be described as comfortable and has two periods - the rainy season, which lasts from October to February and a dry season from March to September, average annual rainfall of about 800 mm of rainfall. Summer, during the day, temperatures can exceed 30 °C, as the night goes down to 22 °C. During the winter, daytime temperatures hover around 24 °C, average night temperature of about 13 °C.°C

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