
23 December, 2010


Platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus)- Aquatic mammals monotremes, platypus on a number of features similar to reptiles, habitat of the platypus – Australia.

Platypus - a unique animal, and is one of the symbols of Australia, the platypus is shown in 20 cent Australian coin.

A quarter-century, scientists could not decide, which include the platypus - a mammal, birds, reptiles or even to a single class, while in 1824 г. German biologist Meckel not found, that the platypus did have breasts and the female nurses pups milk. That, that the platypus lays eggs, been proved only in 1884 г.G

The platypus is a very interesting animal, his mouth instead of a duck's beak, that allows him to eat in the mud, as birds. The body length of 30-40 cm platypus, tail - 10-15 cm, it weighs up to 2 kg, the body of the platypus has a squat, коротконогое; tail flattened, like a beaver's tail, but covered with hair, which considerably thins with age. The fur is thick it, soft, usually dark brown back and reddish or gray on the belly.
Gait on land platypus resembles reptiles walk - he puts his feet on the sides of the body.
Platypus - one of the few venomous mammals (along with some shrews and schelezubami), with toxic saliva.



Platypus - secretive nocturnal semi-aquatic animals, inhabiting the banks of small rivers and stagnant bodies of water east of Australia from the cold plateau Tasmania и Австралийских Альп до тропических дождевых лесов прибрежного Квинсленда. In the north of the habitat platypus comes to the Cape York Peninsula (Куктаун).

Platypus inhabits the banks of water bodies. It serves as a refuge a short straight hole (Length to 10 m), with two inputs and the internal camera. One input of the underwater, the other is located in the 1,2 - 3,6 m above the water level, under the roots of trees or bushes.

The platypus is great swims and dives, remaining under water up to 5 Minutes. In the water it holds up 10 hours a day, since the day he needs to eat the amount of food, amounting to a quarter of its own weight. Platypus is active at night and at dusk. It feeds on small aquatic animals.

In nature, numerous enemies of the platypus. Occasionally he is attacked by lizard, python and swim in the river leopard.
Through 2 weeks after mating the female lays 01.03 (usually 2) eggs. Life expectancy in nature is unknown platypuses; in captivity they live an average of 10 Years.

Platypus previously served as target species due to the valuable fur, But at the beginning of XX century. hunting them was banned and now their population is relatively stable.

The Australians set up a special system of reserves and "safe havens", where platypus can feel safe. Among the most famous park in the state Hilsvill Victoria and West Burleigh in Queensland. Platypus - easily excitable, animal shy, so for a long time it was not possible to take out the platypus to zoos in other countries. Attempts to breed platypus in captivity failed a few times.

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