Attack the dingoes on Fraser Island at the baby

29 Апрель, 2019


Last Thursday on the 14-month-old baby was attacked by Dingo. In a remote part of the island, When the family slept, in a trailer van snuck two dogs.

One of dingoes is bitten by a little boy by the neck, grabbed him by the head and dragged into bushes, before his father woke up from his screams.

The little boy is now recovering after two surgeries in children's Hospital, Queensland, He had wounds on the head and neck, including skull fracture.

This terrible incident was the third attack on humans by dingoes this year.

Fraser Island patrol Rangers. They resemble adults, so they never leave your children unattended and stayed within the reach of children and adolescents on the island.

Visitors to Fraser Island are also recommended to always walk in groups, break camp on fenced plots, do not feed dingoes and never leave trash, fish or fishing lure, because it attracts wild dogs.



Local residents criticized for instagrammerov, that they were approaching the wild beasts. Source: Instagram

Will also be urgently study ways to reduce the population of dingoes on the island and the measures, with which officials can prevent dangerous interactions between animals and humans.

Environment Minister Wednesday Liann Enoch announced measures Sunday, Said, the study also will look at ways to improve State Government partnership with the people of buchully, the traditional inhabitants of Fraser Island.

The study will determine the, What else needs to be done to improve the security of 400 000 visitors to the island, also known as the #8217 &; Gary.

Dingo population management to #8217 &; Gary is difficult, and the Government is committed to maintaining a stable and healthy population of dingoes, while minimizing risks to human security and well-being of the Dingo ", – said Mrs. Enoch in Sunday.

Extension: After the attack on tourists so brag about kid, How can I get acquainted with local dogs, Ч2

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