The federal government is launching a long-term plan to save the Great Barrier Reef

5 April, 2015


Great Barrier Reef
The Federal Government of Australia submitted its long-term plan for great barrier reef, that's how hope, prevent its destruction.

According to the United Nations Declaration, this miracle of nature is in danger..

The plan includes a ban on work zemlecherpalnyh excavators world heritage area, as well as restrictions on the expansion of the port in four places and the solution of tasks to reduce the amount of external sediments, restriction of discharge of nitrogen-containing substances and pesticide pollution.

During the procedure for presenting the plan to the public and its launch on Hamilton Island in 16 This march, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said, that the plan will raise the protection of coral reefs to a new level, and the main key point will be the improvement of water quality.

He said,, pesticide pollution, various kinds of sedimentary rocks and nitrogen runoff annually reduced, Starting with 2009 year.

«Under the long-term plan for sustainable development, we have allocated additional $ 100 Million. to preserve the reef and the situation will continue to improve more and more», сказал он.



Tony Abbott and Greg Hunt announced Reef 2050

Prime Minister Tony Abbott and Federal Minister of environment Greg Hunt, Wednesday announced the launch of a long-term Government plan "2050" Reef on Hamilton Island, which including allocated $ 100 Million. to support Reef. Photo: Adam Head.

Environment Minister Greg Hunt said Wednesday, the independent scientific group, led by Professor Jan Chabba, will monitor the implementation of the plan and set priorities to improve the situation.

«The key idea of this plan is to improve water quality., thanks to rather harsh measures, including reduction 50 per cent nitrogen emissions to 2018 year and their 80 percent reduction to 2025 Year».

Minister of environmental protection of the State of Queensland Wednesday Stephen Myles also believes, that runoff of sediment and nutrients and pesticides were in the medium term, the greatest threat to the reef, and these issues will be addressed by the plan of the Government of.

«With his help we can convince the World Heritage Committee, in that, so not only are they not considered reef to objects, in danger, but to actually save the reef from danger», сказал он.
The UNESCO World Heritage Committee deferred a decision on the status of the reef last year and should adopt the draft decision in May this year, before the final Conference in June.

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