Parade of the Royal Australian Navy in Sydney
10 Сентябрь, 2013
I've lost count of the number of cities, that I've visited in the world, but there's one thing, which I'm sure of. None of them can match a sunny spring day in Sydney Harbour, when the fresh wind blows, flag-raising, set along the shoreline and strolling tourists and just onlookers looking so, as if for the first time they see, the wonderful building of the Opera House.
Last weekend, with a feeling of celebration in the shower, I was on the Balmain ferry., Knowing, A what, I'll see a wonderful landscape. I always feel again, that I was lucky enough to live in such a beautiful place, I'm riding on the ferry, whether I walk along the embankment along the shore or just sit in a cafe overlooking the water.
That's why I'm especially looking forward to the event., which will take place early next month, when the harbour will be decorated not only with its usual set of attributes, but there will be a massive parade of impressive ships. Navy Royal Australian Navy celebrates its centenary next special events, which will be presented in the harbor and the surrounding coastal area during the week.
In October 1913 the flagship of Australia, accompanied by six new cruisers and destroyers for the first time entered the Sydney Harbour. To celebrate the Centenary of the Navy, to be held 3-11 October, show promise, at least, 19 ships and submarines.
It will be the largest naval representation since the celebration of the bicentenary of Australia 1988 Year.
Also, we will see, What we did not have to 1913 year - flying and aerial acrobatics of various naval aircraft and helicopters.
This is also interesting: