Fitzroy River

13 April, 2010


Река Фицрой (Fitzroy River) Fitzroy (Fitzroy River) - River in the western part of the Kimberley region of the Australian state Western Australia.
The source of the River Fitzroy is in the mountains Dyurak, near Mount Wells. length of Fitzroy 733 км, and the basin area - about 93 829 км. The river flows ikmsouthwesterly direction,near Nunkanba she takes a course to the northwest and flows through the rocky terrain, gorges and valleys of the region Kimberly, then flows from the city of Derby in the King Bay, which is part of the Indian Ocean.

The main tributaries of the Fitzroy - Margaret River and Christmas Creek. . Monsoon, during which dramatically on the rise in water level in the river, runs from November to March. , including the process of irrigated agriculture, on the river, near the town Kamballin, built a dam.

Terrain, at which the river Fitzroy, is the historical place of settlement of Australian Aborigines, for which the river plays an important ceremonial and religious significance.

Fitzroy River was opened in 1837 by explorer George Grey. The current name was given to a river 1838 by Lieutenant Stokes, who named it in honor of Captain Robert Fitzroy, former captain of the ship "Beagle", who also competed as a naturalist on an expedition of Charles Darwin. 



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