River Dajamantina

24 April, 2010




Река Дайамантина (Diamantina River)Dajamantina (Diamantina River) - River,shared by the states Квинсленд and South Australia.The length of Dayamantiny 941 km, source of the river to the north-west of Longreach in Queensland, then the river flows in a southwesterly direction through the central regions of the state and empties into the swamp of Goyder Lagoon, located on the north Strzelecki Desert.

Most of the basin has a flat character Dayamantiny: the highest areas,northeastward,hardly reach 500 m above sea level. Approximately midway between Wynton and Berdsvillem National Park is located Daymantina.

The climate of the area, at which the river flows, hot and unstable rainfall zasushlivyyrezhim. In January daytime temperature is about 37 °C, a night - about 24 °C. In winter °C temperature ranges from 25 Dnem ° C to 11 ° C at night. Sometimes in the basin recorded freezing up 1,8 ° C. During the floods the river, emerging from the swamp, merges with the river and forms the Georgina River Warburton Creek, which in the rainy season reaches Lake Eyre.

The river was named by William Landsboro ( William Landsborough) in honor of the Roman Dayamantiny (Diamantina Roma), wife of George Ferguson Bowen (George Ferguson Bowen), first Governor of Queensland.

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