101 лучший пляж в Австралии, ч2
5 Январь, 2017

Dolly Beach on Christmas Island in the Indian Ocean was seventh on the list 101 Australia's best beaches 2017 Year. Photo: ChrisBray.net
Другими, вошедшими в топ-10, were Nudej Bich Fitzroy on the island near the city of Cairns in Queensland, Mooney Beach on the coast of NSW Coffs, Turkvos Bay in Western Australia and more known Burlai Heads on the Gold Coast.
Maslin Beach in Adelaide, Dolly Beach on Christmas Island, Shelly Beach, new South Wales, Boat Harbour Beach in Tasmania and Apollo Bay on the Great Ocean Road in Victoria also took high places.

Stunning Turkvos Bay on the coral coast of Western Australia, ranked fourth in the list of 101 The Best Beach In Australia.
Two popular beach in Sydney consisted only in the top-20 – It's Gary Beach and camp Cove. And such popular tourist attractions, like a surfer Paradise, Mooloolaba, ChibdorB and Nusa Maine Beach generally don't hit the list.
Managing Director of the Agency «Tourism Australia» John O'sullivan said, that the longest coastline in the country gives many options, When it comes to nominations for best beaches.
«We know, A what 70 percent of our international visitors as part of her trip to Australia try to be either near water, or in the coastal zone», said Mr. O'Sullivan.
«In fact, part of our latest global campaign is our desire to tell the world, There's nothing better, than Australia, to get such a wide, deep and high quality rest in water and coastal areas, who can offer our country and 101 The best beach is one of the very authentic and compelling ways to draw attention of tourists on this experience».

Dynamite Bay on the coral coast of Western Australia, entered the top 20 best of 101 the best beaches in Australia.
Marketing Manager of the Cocos Keeling Rick Soderland said, A what 600 the inhabitants of the island were shocked by the fact of their inclusion in the list of, considering, that this area sometimes rarely considered a part of Australia.
«It happened for the first time, When we really were at the center of attention», said Mr. Soderland.
«But we knew, We have a good chance, because, When Brad visited us, he literally goosebumps went on the back, When he first stepped foot on the Cozzie Beach».
Despite the attention, Mr. Soderland said, that he is not concerned, now that Cocos will be captured by tourists and lose its primeval attraction.
«The word says, and our hidden little gem will be in the spotlight, However, according to the national features, We simply do not have the opportunity to take a large number of tourists», сказал он.
The author of the text: Robyn Ironside. Перевод: revision site.
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