Ibiza: the whole truth about the Spanish party island, Part 2

19 October, 2014


Закат на острове Ибица.

Sunset in Ibiza.

4. It's really a very safe place

According to the www.ibiza.travel travel website, dedicated to the island of Ibiza, It's not here. «No aggressive or dangerous animal species». In other words, all the animals inhabiting the island totally harmless.

5. The world's best sunsets

Солнце садится в океан на Ибице.

The sun sets in the ocean. Photo: Waldec. Source: Flickr.

6. In this place you have good chances to meet here some celebrity

Such stars, as Justin Bieber, Kate Moss, Leonardo Di Caprio, Paris Hilton, Kim Kardashian, Zac Efron and Jared Leto spend an entire vacation here.

Джастин Бибер и Мишель Родригес со своими друзьями в отпуске на Ибице.

Justin Bieber and Michelle Rodriguez with his friends on holiday in Ibiza.

Леонардо Ди Каприо на флайборде, на острове Ибица.

Leonardo DiCaprio for more, in Ibiza.

7. Ibiza vies with Rio de Janeiro for the title of "party capital of the world"



Motherland Party, Ibiza is home to some of the hottest clubs in the world. Revelers from around the world flock to the island, just to have fun all night long.

Пикник на пляже на Ибице.

Party on the beach. Photo: Federico Kapoano. Source: Flickr

8. This place is shrouded in mystery and mythology

Island, which was founded in 654 BC, is the home of the legendary desert island Es Vedra / Es Vedra. This is, as they say, the same place, described in Homer Illiade, where Odyssey with the team lured the sirens. This place also has a strong magnetic field, What makes compasses useless here.

Эс Ведра - остров Ибица.

Es Vedra. Photo: Jose. Source: Flickr

9. There's great shopping centers with remarkable cool atmosphere

"This is the first time I've been here, When I was 20, I just fell in love with this place., Very beautiful island, There's a lot to do, In Ibiza amazing shopping, stunning things!!!» – Emma (emmalizzhotmail) 31 July 2014.

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