‘Australia Holidays’

Australia is the world's leader in the number of new year Fireworks, part 2


Фейерверки в Мельбурне.

New Year Fireworks: Fireworks over at Melbourne and Yarra River on the eve of new year's celebrations.

21-summer Bolívar Warner said, that Fireworks just keeps getting better and better every year.



«The older I get, the more I like it», said Australian resident Darlinghurst.

«There's always something, What are you waiting eagerly». Read the rest of this entry »

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Australia – the world's leading fireworks show on new year's Eve

Новогодние Фейерверки Сиднея.

How thrilling ... At midnight, Fireworks light up the sky over the Opera House, so Sydney welcomed the arrival of a new 2014 year Photo: James Kraucher.

Sydney and Melbourne every year on new year's Eve run kaleidoscope of colorful fireworks, painting of the night sky. Look at this spectacle is estimated to come to 1,5 Million. revelers from around the world. Read the rest of this entry »

Father's Day in Australia

Father's Day in Australia (Father’s Day) celebrated annually on the first Sunday of September. Father's Day is a celebration not only of fathers, a festive day for all parents. On this day people thank their parents for care, attention and support.

In Australia, Father's Day celebrate in a big way and the joy, People thank their parents for care and support and give flowers, chocolates and other gifts, but the most popular gift on the day of his father - a tie.

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