Брачный налог: Почему вы заплатите больше, как только произнесете слово «Свадьба», Part 2

28 July, 2015


Some companies justify the additional cost of "difficulty" wedding. Source: Getty Imadzhes.

Our reporters have conducted their own investigation, They asked the companies concerned with a view to find out the prices for the provision of the same services or delivering the same products at the same time and for the same number of guests, only in one case, they said, This is needed for the 21 anniversary of birthday, and in another, for a wedding. Here is, what they learned.

Send 120 invitations:
On the day of birth – $ 1623
Wedding – $ 2436

Areda limousine Krayler 300 c for three hours:
Day of birth – $ 330
Wedding – $ 990

Day of birth – $ 130
Wedding – $ 220

Dee Jay for five hours:
Day of birth – $ 390
Wedding – $ 455

120 pieces of cake:
Day of birth – $ 464
Wedding – $ 661

Photographer for four hours:
Day of birth – 1950 $
Wedding – $ 4400



For plastic figurines of bride and groom on this tortike you have to pay additional $ 200.

Suppliers have their own reasons. Some claim, that wedding work is seasonal, Basically this weekend work, and what little chance to obtain such an order. Others claim, that the program is organizing a wedding is much more difficult, than the usual party.

However, there are great doubts, to get an order to organize birthday, and if the, Besides, He gets on a lively summer weekends from the demanding customer, much easier, than for a wedding, It is therefore not clear, why such services providers strongly justify radical price difference.

Some commentators claim, that wedding takes a lot more work from DJs, photographers and cake makers, providing a higher level of service, than for other kinds of parties.

However, the fact, one of the brides say, that it should pay $ 15 for a bunch of roses, While her husband was asked to pay $ 4, leads us to, that behind the scenes in Australia there is a rather doubtful type of tax on marriage.

Start: Marriage tax or Why you pay for more wedding, than the same service on birthday >>>

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