Australia will use the Swedish experience in the construction of submarines

22 May, 2013


The military authorities of the two countries of Australia and Sweden have agreed that, the Australian side will be in Swedish development, for the construction of its own submarines. This was announced by the Ministry of Defence of Australia in its communication to the media. As arranged, Australia will use the Swedish experience, Scandinavians obtained during the design and construction for the construction and upgrading of Australia's submarines of the "Collins" and other submarines destined for the Australian Navy.

Well-known in Scandinavia, the Swedish military-industrial private company Kokams will actively participate in the design of submarines of the "Collins", and their maintenance and upgrading. With 1996 along 2003 gg. Kokams company has built six such submarines, and all of them were adopted by the naval forces of Australia. Submarines will remain in service with the Royal Australian Navy has 20 Years.



But at the same time, Australia is committed to the creation of new submarines of own production, which it expects to build in the coming 30 Years. And in so doing, it will actively assist the Swedes. Moreover, under the agreement Australia is now able to not only use the Swedish intellectual property for their own purposes, but also has the ability to grant access to it to third countries.

A year ago, the Swedish company has been invited to Australia for the design of submarines, designed to replace the U-boat "Collins". In this project,, aimed at the establishment of Australia's own submarines will also participate in such companies from France, Spain and Germany as DCNS, Navantia и HDW.

New submarines of own production of the Australian Defense Ministry plans to provide for their IUD 2025-2027 gg.

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