Australians – All the polls!

6 Сентябрь, 2013


Photo: News Limited

The two main political parties in Australia «face off» pre-election promises. Who to prefer – choose have to simple Australians. Perhaps the following list and its Start to help you make the right choice. Pictured above:  Kevin Rudd, Health Minister Tanya Plibersek, keeps a model of the double helix at a press conference in Brisbane during the announcement of the new medical research in Vulungabba package / Wooloongabba.


If you have private health insurance …

Coalition «fully restore» private health insurance discounts for all. 30 percent discount to people currently receiving, зарабатывающие более $ 83000 a year and the family, зарабатывающие более $ 166 000. People earning more than $ 129 000 and Family, зарабатывающие earning more thanunt. The Coalition also wants to waive means test in such discount, but do not say, when they will do it.

If you have a disability …

Labour will invest more $ 14 billions for people with disabilities for seven years to subsidize disability care.

The Coalition also pledged to implement a national disability insurance system..



If you need care for the elderly …

Labour will invest $ 3,7 Billion. in health care reform, concerning the elderly, within five years, including more than 40 000 additional home care packages.

If you have questions about the health care system …

Labour would like to spend $ 50 млн. to improve care for stroke sufferers, $ 10.5 млн. for preventive training against asthma, $ 3.2 млн. on the financing of the company «Arthritis Australia», $ 21 млн. for family service and mental health $ 30 млн. to combat immunodeficiency and prevent blood-borne viruses.Million

The coalition will achieve increased spending on health care in the mental health field $ 430 млн. and spend $ 35 млн. to help find a cure for diabetes 1 and provide another type $ 200 млн. over five years for dementia research.Million



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