For whom to vote in parliamentary elections?

3 Сентябрь, 2013


Тони Эбботт со стажерами компании Mills-Tui

Tony Abbott trainees company Mills-Tui

Continuation of the article on pre-election promises parties labour and Liberals in Australia.
Start here.

If you want to go to University …

And you are out Wednesday of the poor, laborers will provide $ 50 Million. on financing 17 institutions of higher education to increase the number of students in them.

If you intern …



Laborers will subsidize the completion of payment for special education in the amount of $ 1500 before $ 2000. But labour has already written off $ 3000 for a full day and $ 1500 for part-time for employers, whose employees, get "neprioritetnuju" specialty. Incentives remain, If the received specialty is located in the national list of required skills or disability sectors, or if you are enrolled on courses for nurses.

The Coalition Liberals will support the abolition of these incentives. The Coalition also will give interns credit payment support specialty of up to $ 20 000 for four years during apprenticeship. The loan will have the same payment % as for for the students of higher educational institutions, who get loans to pay for education (now $ 51 309).

If you low secured provider …

If you earn less than, than $ 19400, then in 2015-16 you will not need to file a tax return, because laborers are going to increase the threshold for paying taxes.
The Coalition Liberals will reduce tax on low incomes, i.e. those, who earn $ 37 000 or less in the year prior to the $ 500 for each fiscal year, to help them save their retirement.

Continued on…

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