
Getting Married in Aboriginal Australia


Getting Married in contrast to the initiation rites of almost refurnished. Immediately after the birth of a girl is often already had the groom, who chose for her closest male relative. Matchmaking going on certain canons, strictly observed relatives of bride and groom. In anticipation of maturity of the bride, they talked, carrying out the mutual obligations, exchanged gifts.

Often the agreement of the marriage occurred on the basis of the exchange: sister or niece of the groom became the wife of a relative of the bride. The girl began to live in her husband's camp, with the onset of puberty.



If my husband had several wives, Girl shared a house with an older wife.

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The tribe of Australian Aborigines

The tribe is the main social unit of society Aboriginal. The first European settlers in Australia to describe the indigenous people often use the terms "tribe" and "leader" in the sense, which was adopted in Aboriginal Americas or the Pacific Islands.

However, the concept of "leader", strictly speaking, not apply to Aboriginal community, and even the concept of "tribe" has no meaning here that social, What we usually put into it.

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Family and Kinship in the lives of Aboriginal

In the life of the Aboriginal race as a social unit has played a much smaller role, than the local group, which united the family vzaimorodstvennye, cohesive daily life within its territorial possessions.

The group members worked together not only to meet personal needs. Food is distributed according to the rules, complied with the special interests of the elderly and the young generation.

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