10 причин, по которым стоит посетить Южнобережье Южного Уэльса
12 July, 2017
The northern coastline of new South Wales has always been the focus of tourists (Hello, Byron Bay!), but now the situation is changing. Currently, experienced travelers abandon well beaten, obvious coastal suburbs to the North and instead more eager for opportunities, who can bring a trip to the South.
The southern coast of South Wales is filled with unforgettable impressions: breathtaking scenery, unique meetings with wildlife, Crystal clear waters, incredibly clean beaches, famous chefs and world-class wineries and stunning surf. So, If you haven't visited this undiscovered paradise, Here's 10 причин, why you should do it.
You can walk to the very white sand in the world
A scattering of small towns, pristine beaches and beautiful National Park. Jervis Bay / Jervis Bay is undeniably an incredibly beautiful, and its natural charms also received international recognition.
Hyams beach is known all over the world. It boasts a calm green-blue water, where it is not unusual to meet with stajkoj friendly dolphins, This white-white sands Giamsa, which consolidated their place in the pages of the Guinness Book of records as the most whites in the world. And while Hyams is officially recognized, other beaches in the area are also anything its not worse. In fact,, on the coast of them more 150, each of which may become the embodiment of your childhood dreams to live on a desert island of Robinson Crusoe.
The author of the text: Paul A British, Translated: редакция сайта http://australia-tour.info
Extension: 10 причин, to visit the South coast of new South Wales: You can drink wine – много вина! Part 2
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