The resort town of Airlie Beach is ideal for families, and for couples

25 Март, 2015


Mandalay House Airlie Beach

In the North-Eastern Australia, in Queensland, on a small peninsula near the Coral Sea is a small resort town of Earley Beach.

Australians love to relax in this place. The attractions of the city include a group of holy Trinity islands. These islands are located in 15 kilometers east of Earley Beach.

The most famous and popular local resorts of Heyman, Hamilton and Daydream. It is also home to one of the finest beaches on the planet Whithaven.



In 60 kilometers off the coast is the Great Barrier Reef, the oldest ecosystem. It consists of many coral reefs and islets, fauna that possess the rich world. Diving tours to this huge reef are offered by travel firms, those here. They are very popular among holidaymakers. Helicopter tours to the same place are equally popular. Tourists often take pictures from a helicopter of the famous coral "Reef Heart", whose diameter is about 15 Metres away.

Airlie Beach many beautiful beaches, but tourists like to relax in an artificial lagoon, that was fenced special mesh from dangerous jellyfish. Poisonous jellyfish is quite often found in this place in the period from November to may.

Главная улица Эрли-Бич The main street of Airlie Beach

At the end 2012 large-scale reconstruction, was launched Airlie Beach town centre, to which it has been allocated 20 Million. $. As a result of the reconstruction, the city has acquired a new modern urban look, there are more favorable conditions for outdoor lunches, new boutiques and even more shops, showcasing local artisans and manufacturers.

According to the Chief Executive Director of company «Vitsandejs» Marketing: «Airlie Beach is well known as a city for tourists, but we also have another important aspect in both the diversity of properties, perfect for families, and for couples».

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