Министры образования согласны с графиком внедрения онлайн тестирования NAPLAN

21 Ноябрь, 2014


Школьник сдает экзамен NAPLAN онлайн.

Breakthrough ... The Ministers of education of Australia reached an agreement to move towards online testing program on NAPLAN.

Australian Federal Ministers of education, as well as individual States and territories of the country, 31 October agreed on the need for the introduction of interactive online testing within the framework of the national programme on assessment skills and numeracy (NAPLAN).

The week before, Federal Minister of Education Christopher Pine announced new cash subsidies in the amount of $ 24,7 Million. to introduce accelerated technology for Internet testing in schools under the NAPLAN program / National Reading and Counting Assessment Program.

Mr. Pine said, that he is determined to move to online NAPLAN testing in schools to 2016 Year.

In this way,, at the meeting of ministers of education of all levels, an agreement was reached to make online NAPLAN exams available in schools already in 2016 Year.

Федеральный министр образования Австралии Кристофер Пайн.

Christopher Pine says, that he was "delighted" from the offer to transfer NAPLAN online.



However, before 2017 Most schools are not going to give up paper and pens during exams..

«I'm glad, that my colleagues at the state and territorial levels, will work with us, to turn online NAPLAN testing into reality», Mr Pine said in an interview with the Australian News Corporation / News Corp.

«The process of introducing the innovation will be carried out carefully and methodically, to guarantee us this right», сказал он.

Online tests were designed in this way, to make passing standardized exams less stressful for pupils in Australian schools, passing these tests with 3 along 9 Years of study.
See also, to help teachers, including, and private teachers and will speed up their work in this way, that they will be able to more quickly analyze and eliminate the gaps in students' learning.

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