
4 February, 2011


Wallaby (Macropodidae) – group of species of marsupial mammals of the family of kangaroo, however, smaller than a kangaroo, living in Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and Bismarck archipelagos.
Wallabies live in the thickets of bushes and forests, but can occur in open spaces and in the steppes.

Wallaby – not a single biological group, a set of species, consisting of a number of genera, belonging to the family of kangaroo.

In the middle of ordinary (giant) kangaroo (род Macropus) There are around 8 species of wallaby. Reddish-gray wallaby (Macropus rufogriseus) nimble and wallabies (Macropus agilis), because of the large size and overall similarity, often equate to the ordinary kangaroos and vallaru.

Alpine wallaby (род Petrogale), found throughout Australia and a number of adjacent islands, live in the mountains and rocky deserts. There are at least 15 Views, some of which are at risk of extinction.

The striped wallaby, hare (Lagostrophus fasciatus), is the last remaining kind of once-numerous subfamily Sthenurinae, previously inhabited throughout the territory Yu. Australia, and now occurs only on 2 islands off the west coast of Australia, free from predators.

Forest wallabies (род Dorcopsis), living in the territory of New Guinea, represented by 5 species.



Types of wallabies:
* Подсемейство Sthenurinae

Род Lagostrophus fasciatus

Skipjack or striped wallaby kangaroo-bunny, Lagostrophus fasciatus
Подсемейство Macropodinae
Simple (giant) kangaroos and wallabies, род Macropus
Agile wallaby, Macropus agilis
Wallaby-antelope, Macropus antilopinus
Chernopolosy wallabies, Macropus dorsalis
Tammar, Macropus eugenii
Wallaby Gray, Macropus greyii
Glove wallabies, Macropus irma
Parma Wallaby, Macropus parma
Wallaby Parry, Macropus parryi
Reddish-gray wallaby, Macropus rufogrisseus

Forest wallabies of New Guinea, род Dorcopsis
Dorcopsis vanheurni (Dorcopsulus vanheurni)
Kangaroo Makleya, Dorcopsis macleayi (Dorcopsulus macleayi)
Dorcopsis veterum
Dorcopsis hageni
Dorcopsis Atrato
Hare-wallaby, род Lagorchestes
Lagorchestes asomatus
Lagorchestes conspicillatus
Lagorchestes hirsutus
Lagorchestes leporides
Kogtehvostye kangaroo, род Onychogalea
Onychogalea fraenata
Onychogalea lunata
Onychogalea unguifera
Alpine wallaby, род Petrogale
Petrogale assimilis
Petrogale brachyotis
Petrogale burbidgei
Petrogale coenensis
Petrogale concinna
Petrogale godmani
Petrogale inornata
Petrogale herberti
Petrogale lateralis
Petrogale mareeba
Petrogale penicillata
Petrogale persephone
Petrogale purpureicollis
Petrogale rothschildi
Petrogale Sharmani
Petrogale xanthopus

Philander and pademelony, род Thylogale

Krasnobryuhy Philander, or Tasmanian pademelon Thylogale billardierii
Philander Brown, Thylogale browni
Philander New Guinea, Thylogale brunii
Philander Calabi, Thylogale calabyi
Mountain Philander, Thylogale lanatus
Red-Philander, Thylogale stigmatica
Red-necked Philander, Thylogale thetis
Wallaby, род Wallabia

Swamp wallabies, Wallabia bicolor

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