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According to the level of school education in Australia is the "second tier"




Правительство Австралии несколько лет назад приняло школьную реформу, целью которой является сделать Австралию супердержавой в области образования к 2025 Year.
However,, по оценке Австралийского Консультационного Образовательного Исследовательского центра ACER пока, что наблюдается лишь регресс в отношении уровня школьников старших классов по сравнению с уровнем их сверстников из других стран мира. Read the rest of this entry »

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Australia - the most expensive country to study in the world

Australian National UniversityAccording to the European bank HSBC Australia is in first place on tuition fees at universities, the national average. Since the cost of education in Australia will cost 38 Thd. $ United States.

But while the world is education, in which the cost of education is much higher than this figure. For instance, in the Ivy League universities in the U.S., the cost of annual training and stay up to the amount 58760 $. Read the rest of this entry »

«Green Continent» is going to lead in "green technologies"

Recently, the world is clearly a trend to build green buildings, which are most friendly to the environment. These buildings can be seen in many countries, America and Europe, as well as in Turkey, U.A.E, Bali and Avstralii.

Sydney has built high-rise office building Bligh 1, in which design makes maximum use of "green" technologies. Read the rest of this entry »

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