Сигареты Winfield – favorite cigarette Australians?!

19 Январь, 2012


Табачная компания British American Tobacco, which sues Australian government for the abolition of the law branded packs,Europe launched Winfield cigarettes with images on them kangaroo and a map of Australia. Winfield on cigarette packs and printed slogan «Favorite cigarette Australians».

The Australian Government has expressed its dissatisfaction with the, that the tobacco company British American Tobacco used the Australian national symbols on cigarette packs.

As stated by the Attorney-General Nicola Roxon Australia (Nicola Roxon), Australian Government can not influence the production of cigarettes abroad. «But can we do on behalf of the people of Australia require the company British American Tobacco ‘remove his hands from our characters',» – Roxon added. She added,, что действия British American Tobacco доказывают, «to what may be low down the tobacco companies, to convince people to buy their products».



The company British American Tobacco have already responded to the statement by noting Roxon, that part is wrong to comment Roxon sale of cigarettes in Europe, while there is a lawsuit about the cancellation of branded packs in Australia.

Act to replace the brand of cigarette packs on the Australian model was adopted by the Senate in November 2011 year. Since December 2012 year, all cigarette brands to be produced in packs of olive-colored, two-thirds of the surface which must take photos of the effects of smoking. Australia became the first country, who took such drastic measures against smokers.

Tobacco giants Phillip Morris, British American Tobacco и Imperial Tobacco остались недовольны новым законом, which they believe, violates their intellectual property rights in the product design firm. All three series are suing the government of Australia.

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