The charming towns of the northern regions offer plenty of craft shops and boutiques, Ch4

2 Апрель, 2021


Candles at the Nymbin Candle Factory. Photo: Tourism Australia

If you want to buy souvenirs during your visit, The charming towns of the northern regions offer a variety of craft shops and boutiques, where you will find a treasure trove of unique gems.

Buy clothes, Accessories and home goods in the store On the Corner / The Corner Store in Yamba, and Revwal Yamba / Revival Yamba – it's a must-have place for music lovers, surfing and art.



You can have a good time, Exploring shelves with rare books in The Nook Yamba or shopping for gifts at favorite Nibbin Hemping Eround or at the Nimbin Candle Factory.

There are also several local shops, which are great for shopping online, if you want to support the region from afar: Willow Botanica specializes in carefully selected organic gifts, and the family shop "Petal and Spice", located in Grafton, sells local handmade goods, as well as eco-friendly products and delivers them all over Australia.

All this research in the search for souvenirs, absolutely, excite appetite, and, Fortunately, There are plenty of great places, where you can quench your thirst or enjoy an unforgettable meal. But read about it in the next part:
Where to eat deliciously and heartily on the Northern Rivers of New South Wales, Ch5
В начало статьи: What to do on the Northern Rivers of New South Wales

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