Фестиваль «Гастрономический Побег Маргарет Рива» – одно из ведущих кулинарных событий Азиатско-Тихоокеанского региона, Part 2

31 Март, 2015


"Harmony Festival Mendzhimep Cherry" is another attraction for gourmets. Photo: Tourism in Western Australia.

Last year,, 1,1 million Australian visitors Western Australia actively engaged in the gastronomic and wine tourism, or set, where they would remain based on the culinary preferences.

Ms. Buckland said, that visitors attracted local and authentic products in a beautiful setting.

«Studies show, culinary events are also very popular», she said.

«One of the most successful examples is the Gastronomic Festival Escape Margaret Riva» (Escape Margaret River Gourmet). It is the third year, but he is already firmly established as one of the leading culinary events in the Asia-Pacific region».

Living in the United States, the famous French Chef Eric Riper, quoth, the quality of Western Australian food and wine was «awesome».

The co-owner of the New York restaurant Le Bernadine (Le Bernardin), who holds the 18-th place in the list with the. Pellegrino among 50 the best restaurants in the world, said chef in the United States «absolutely» trying to make contacts with people in Western Australia, to present their products in its menu.



«Currently, we do not use the West Australian products (in my restaurant), but I intend to do that after this trip,» сказал он.

During the Festival, Josh Vajtlend, the restaurant "Drimin" Kumal (Koomal Dreaming), invited the famous chef from cooking traditional Aboriginal local food.

«I tried the kangaroos for the first time in my life», Riper said. «And I really liked the food».

In 2013 year more 16 000 people participated in the Festival "Gastronomic Escape Margaret Riva» and their direct costs amounted to $ 10,5 Million.

Last year,, a total of $ 8,3 Billion. were spent by tourists in Western Australia, What made it possible to maintain 91000 jobs for this region.

Average daily turnover stood at Western Australia's food industry $ 960 Million. per month for 2012 fiscal year, that corresponds to the annual turnover of more than $ 11 Billion.

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