Place, where residents live on the brink of the abyss

13 Июнь, 2014


Манарола, Италия.

Manarola - stunning and cool!

Some people may think, that they would like to «live on the edge», but there are few places in the world, where people actually do exactly that.
Here you have seven seats, that we found, where people actually live under a rock, or, at least, on it.


1. The Town Of Manarola, Liguria, Italy

A small town, located in the province of La Spezia, Manarola is famous for its colorful houses, built on the rocks on the coast of the Cinque Terre / Cinque Terre. Small stairs winding down from the cliffs into the sea, ideal for leisurely fall.

2. Monastery Phuktal Gompa / Phuktal Gompa, Zanskar, India

Монастырь Пхуктал Гомпа, Индия.

A Buddhist monastery in Zanskar Valley.

The Valley of Zanskar / Zanskar, Monastery Phuktal Gompa at this point can be reached exclusively on foot. Tourists, came to this place, have the right to be present at daily pujas, rituals and festivals.


3. Rock Of Bandiagara, Mali, Africa

Старинное село в Африке.

The Dogon Granaries.

Built directly into the rocks in Mali Bandiagara, Dogon village on Earth consists of 289 dwellings.


4. Setenil de Las Product, Andalusia, Spain

Сетенил де лас Бодегас, Андалусия, Испания.

These people are literally under the rock. Photo: Manuelfloresv Source: Flickr.



After the occupying Romans, Setenil de Las Product / Setenil de las Bodegas has become virtually a part of Andalusia «Pueblos Blancos.» In the construction of houses here have used stone as roof and protect it from the weather.


5. Cliffs of Bonifacio in Corsica, France

Бонифачо старый город. Остров Корсика, Франция.

The Citadel of Bonifacio on the island of Corsica.

Built on the limestone cliffs of Bonifacio in Corsica, medieval houses dangerously hovering over the Mediterranean Sea. Very popular for tourists, they are more similar to some tourist attraction, than real homes.


6. The town of Les Eyzies de Taynac in the Dordogne, France

Dordogne. Photo: Tom Macy.

Probably very cool and cool live in such houses on the rocks. And by the way it is here were found the first remains of Homo sapiens of the Upper Paleolithic era, along with other amazing artifacts and pictures.


7. The city of Kastelfolit de La Roca in Catalonia, Spain

Кастелфолит де ла Рока / Castellfollit de la Roca.  Фото: Рафел Миро

What kind of! Photo: Jordi Marsol.

The city of Kastelfolit de la Rocha with his dark corners and medieval architecture live look scarier, than in photos. The House apparently, barely clinging to basalt rocks, squeezed between the rivers: rivers and Toronell.


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