In Oklahoma, the boredom shot of Australian baseball

22 August, 2013




22-year-old Australian Chris Line, studying in the United States and playing baseball for the American College was shot dead by a group of teenagers in Oklahoma City. According to teenagers, they did it because of boredom, for the sake of entertainment.
According to police, the three teen 15, 16 and 17 years, sitting at home bored decided to kill someone. At this time by their home ran Chris Online, heading towards the House his girlfriend. Teens jumped out from the House sat in the car and catching Chris killed him, shooting him in the back.
Street surveillance cameras recorded the fact of murder. Soon the young people were arrested by the police in a car parked near the crime scene..
Tellingly, parents of teenagers consider their sons "good boys" and deny their guilt. At the same time, the police say, that when they escorted the teenagers?, they danced.
Christopher Lyne arrived in the United States just three days before the murder, before that, he spent a long time on vacation in his homeland in Australia., in Melbourne. He attended the Financial College in Oklahoma., was his fellow and played for his national baseball team.
Australian politicians and members of the public, outraged by Chris's murder, call on their tourists to boycott the United States.
In the United States, there has long been talk about the need for a ban on carrying weapons, since the authorities of the country cannot properly ensure security on either the streets, nor in schools. Remember, though, how last December a mentally ill man staged a bloodbath in an elementary school, killed 26 person.

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