News Australia

‘Good to know’

10 лучших достопримечательностей в Европе: Заксенхаузен, Berlin


Cappadocia, Turkey. Photo: Wadgei (Фликр).

Nine months ago, blogger, Traveller and photographer Peter Shaw quit his job in Perth (Australia), to go on a journey without an end date.



In these articles, he talks about the places he has chosen, You should not afford to miss while you travel around Europe. Read the rest of this entry »

This is also interesting:



Hospitality – which sector is promising?

Many experts believe, that the volumes of the hotel market reach billions of dollars, after the crisis is over and now there is, where to turn. All this means, that in front of the growth and development of very good prospects. Such as the hospitality industry is again becoming popular.

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Movie - The Art amaze the world

The most incredible invention (and agree with this opinion almost all) over the last century - it's a movie. We all got a chance to learn the secrets of the past, look into the unreal world of the future, not to mention the events of the day. Lumiere brothers helped us to see the world, how they see its great masters of cinematography - Alexander Dovzhenko, Andrei Tarkovsky, Леонид Гайдай, Steven Spielberg, Frэnsis Ford Koppola, Martin Scorsese and many others. Read the rest of this entry »

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