Typhoon Haiyan County, Qinghai: the Philippines may be 10000 dead

10 Ноябрь, 2013


One of the most powerful typhoons in history, Haiyan moves towards philippines across Pacific.

The death toll from Typhoon, which hit the central Philippine city of Thabloban can reach 10 000 person, authorities said on Sunday.

Now Typhoon Hainan, one of the strongest storms in the history of mankind, heading to Vietnam and, Projected, will reach the country south of Hanoi about 7 am local time.

The assessment was carried out after, as the extent of the huge destruction became apparent and the inhabitants spoke in horror of the storm surges above, than the trees.
Philippine regional police chief Elmer Soria said, that he had been informed by Dominic Petilla, provincial governor of Leyte Island, late on Saturday night, who said, that was about 10 000 deaths on the island, mainly as a result of drowning, and from the destruction of buildings.

The governor's data was based on reports of rural officials in the districts, where Typhoon Haiyan passed on Friday.

Texon Lim mayor of Takloban city said, that the death toll in the city "could rise to 10 thousands of».



About 300-400 people have already been discharged from hospitals, said Lim.

House destroyed by storm surge, caused by the powerful Typhoon Haiyan.

The typhoon hit six central Philippine islands on Friday, destroying buildings and comparing seaside houses with land. Most of the deaths and destructions were on Leyte Island, where the town of Takloban is located.
Typhoon weakened on Sunday, as it approached the central and northern parts of Vietnam, where the authorities evacuated more than 500 thousand people.

«Rescue operation continues. We expect a very high number of deaths, as well as injuries», Philippine Interior Minister Mar Rojas said after visiting Takhloban on Saturday.

«All systems, all the remnants of modern life – Link, Electricity, water – it's all ruined. The media doesn't work, so there's no way, to communicate with people, en masse».

After the disaster, Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, Tony Abbott's government will provide an initial $ 390 500 emergency relief, to help affected communities.

«We promptly provided pre-prepared essentials, Including mattresses, Blankets, mosquito nets, water tanks and sanitary kits for families affected by the typhoon», Bishop said..

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