
1000 places, worth visiting – Australia


Dokumentalny movie "1000 mest, Kotoryi worth a visit ", This movie by several dokumentalʹnyx Discovery Company, kotorye polnostyu movies dedicated to the most beautiful and perfect corners of our planet, and today we will focus on Australia.



You will visit Sydney,visit the Sydney Opera House, feel the force of the Blue Mountains,see the beauty of the Great Barrier Reef, stroll through the desert area which is still untouched part of the land and are still very many interesting things you'll see in the documentary Discovery «100 seats, worth a visit "
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Resort city of Cairns and the descendants of Aboriginal Australia

Dokumentalnyj film o gorode Кэрнс, movie posvjashhen aborigenam   Avstralii and their potomkam.
Aborigeny Avstralii, as schitajut uchenye, pojavilis Na Po mere krajne kontinente 50 000 years rearwards.

Drevnie aborigeny lived in kontakte neposredstvennom with wilderness, vernee, they themselves is of estestvennogo world, popular zhivotnye, plants, and they were a single entity, how changed the views of Aboriginal descendants you will learn with this documentary.

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Cairns tourism

Documentary of Cairns, northeastward Stata Kvislend, on the coast of Cape York Peninsula.
Development of tourism infrastructure has created an image of Cairns international tourist center, Tourism is the main income of the city brings.

The film tells about the tourism Cairns, its hotels, hotels, parks and beaches.

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