
In Adelaide will build a new ship to cruise season 2016


P&O-Cruises Company P & O Cruises launches its new ship in Adelaide, that the operational part of the cruise season 2016 year.



The State of South Australia will get nearly an estimated $ 5 Million. dividends annually from tourism by the company P & O Cruises» build in Adelaide Read the rest of this entry »

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Лучшие места для семейного отдыха в Австралии: Tasmania, h. 7

Порт Артур, Тасмания.

Port Arthur is a great place, where school-age children, may in particular, Learn about the history of Australia. In this small State, there are a lot of things, What can you offer to families.


In Hobart, children (and their loving parents chocolate) very enjoy Factory Kedberi Read the rest of this entry »

Лучшие места для семейного отдыха в Австралии: Western Australia, h. 6.1

Greens Pool near Denmarkom - This is a protected Beach, ideal for children. Photo: Stuart Allen.


Western Australia

A trip to the largest state of Australia is worth it, to commit.

If your kids can't sit still for a long time in the car, do not hesitate on that, you have nowhere to go, and what to do in Western Australia. Read the rest of this entry »

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